How to Stop Sweat Once and For All

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sweating is a natural body function, and we all do it. It's used largely by the body to regulate body temperature and to rid the body of toxins, so sweating definitely serves a useful purpose. But excessive sweating can become an embarrassing nuisance if it turns into an issue called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by sweating without a person facing normal factors that would normally cause sweating such as stress or hot weather. If you are suffering from hyperhidrosis, you may be interest in knowing .

To find out how to stop sweat, you first need to figure out why it is that you are sweating. If you are leading a very stressful life, sweating is your body's way of reacting to your stressful life and is also a sign for you that you need to take steps to reduce your stress level. You can take up a relaxing hobby like reading or fishing, or try yoga or a meditation class.

Some people sweat because they have an unhealthy lifestyle dictated by eating a lot of processed foods heavy with chemicals, sugars, and fats, and a lifestyle that likely doesn't involve a lot of physical activity or exercise. If this is the cause for your sweating, some simple lifestyle changes like eating a healthier diet with more natural foods, drinking more water, and getting more exercise can help your sweating problem tremendously.

If you try these options and don't have any luck, you can also talk to your doctor about how to stop sweat. Your doctor may suggest any number of treatment options, which may include prescription antiperspirant or other prescription drugs. Your doctor may also suggest painful botox injections or even a surgery on your spine that will correct the issue with nerves that are responsible for sweating.

Alex Brunswick is a writer and researcher on How To Stop Sweat.

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