Which Sweating Treatments Work Best?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Excessive sweating can be quite an embarrassing issue to deal with. As you are searching through the various treatment options available, you are probably wondering which sweating treatments work best. In order to answer this question, you must first identify the reason for your sweating issue. Sometimes excessive sweating is caused by a hormonal imbalance, such as with menopause. For other people, excessive sweating may be a sign that the overall lifestyle, including diet and exercise, are lacking and need improvement. Still other cases can be caused by using a bad brand of antiperspirant to far more serious issues such as medical diseases that should be treated by a doctor.

If excessive sweating is an issue, you can try a few sweating treatments at home first such as switching to a stronger brand of antiperspirant. Or you can also make lifestyle changes such as drinking more water, getting more exercise, and eating a healthier diet with fewer processed and junk foods. One reason you sweat with a poor diet and exercise regimen is that your body is not working efficiently and is being overloaded with toxins it is trying to expel through the pores. So by improving your lifestyle, you give your body the boost it needs to stop sweating so much. If you believe your excessive sweating may be caused by too much stress in your life, you can take steps to reduce your stress level by taking up a relaxing hobby, talking to a therapist regularly, or taking meditation classes.

If these options don't work, you can talk to your doctor about sweating treatments. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription medication to address the underlying health issue, or may prescribe a prescription antiperspirant. If the problem persists, botox injections or even spinal surgery may be required.

Alex Brunswick is a writer and researcher on Sweating Treatments.

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